How Does Cold Storage Work?

How Does Cold Storage Work?


The working standards of cold storages are regulated according to need.

When designing positive and negative rooms, the cooling system insulation system is designed accordingly.

The basic parts that make up the cold room are as follows.

1- Cold room cabin

2- Cooling system

3- Electronic control system.


Cold storages are specially designed places where foodstuffs that are short-lived and likely to spoil under normal conditions are stored.


These warehouses are designed according to the storage temperatures of the product.

These foodstuffs are stored in the optimum temperature (primarily low) and humidity environment required for individual products.

All custom-designed cold storages are designed in such a way that these features are pre-configured according to the Product stored. Some cold rooms are built in such a way that these features can be adjusted.


Working conditions required by the cold storage.


Compressor – It is the main component that operates the cold room. It is the only device that requires energy to operate. The compressor consumes almost all the power in the cold room. It is used to increase the temperature and pressure of the refrigerant vapor leaving the evaporator. As pressure increases, the boiling point increases and the compressor can condense the refrigerant (e.g. ammonia) at the condenser temperature.


 Condenser Condenser – Heat must be removed from the refrigerant and circulating heat. The condenser realizes the phase change from gas to liquid at high temperature and pressure. The condenser acts as a heat sink and its heat exchange efficiency determines the efficiency of the cold storage facility.


Liquid tank – High pressure liquid condensate is stored here. This is where the refrigerant comes from the condenser after phase change. After the liquid refrigerant reaches the receiver component, it goes to the expansion valve, reducing the temperature and pressure.

Expansion Valve – Reduces the temperature and pressure of the refrigerant using a throttling device. The throttling process occurs through friction and there is a change in the temperature and pressure of the refrigerant. Its pressure varies from the pressure in the Receiver to the pressure in the Evaporator.


Evaporator – This is where the cyclic process that lowers the temperature of stored items occurs. It takes heat from the storage compartment or atmosphere that needs to be cooled. This heat is then used to vaporize the liquid refrigerant. In this way, foodstuffs are cooled and preserved.


Blowers – The cooled air spreads into the room through the process of convection, thus achieving the desired temperature of the room.

In short, the boiling point of the refrigerant is reduced by increasing its temperature and pressure by the compressor. Heat is removed as the refrigerant is converted from gaseous to liquid by the condenser. Now the refrigerant is transferred to the reservoir for storage. Additionally, the refrigerant is moved to an expansion valve to reduce the temperature and pressure in the liquid state. The final step takes place in the Evaporator, where heat from the environment is used to convert the refrigerant back into gaseous state, thus causing the cooling effect. The blower circulates this cold air.

The working system of Cold Rooms is carried out with Electronic digital panels.

Digital thermometers control the temperature with a temperature sensor, turn it off when it reaches the desired temperature, and turn it on again when necessary, allowing the system to work.


Smart cold room digitals are special systems produced for cold rooms. They are programmed by the installer according to need from the moment of installation. Resting time, working time, defrost time, fan on and off time are automatically carried out by the digital.


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