Cold Room Air Curtain

In places where cooling is very important, cold air pvc curtains and cold room pvc curtains are used. The importance of cold room PVC air curtains is actually very large,
It is a very important system that protects the chilled environment from dusty insects as well as visible or invisible objects, and at the same time interrupts the internal and external coldness at every opening of the door and economically prevents energy loss.
If your business operates in a cold room or freezer room, energy costs may increase while limiting the damaging effects of air leakage and the continuous opening and closing of doors, while being forced to keep your interior and products in the best possible condition.
When the door of the cold room is opened, either cold or heavy air escapes at ground level; Meanwhile, warm air flows over - and the more air entering a space, the harder cooling systems need to work, which can increase costs. In addition, warm air causes a build-up of moisture that can turn into dangerous ice with extreme cold.
This can damage your icing products and pose a health and safety hazard to personnel operating the room, reduce visibility and increase the risk of accidents. An effective solution to this problem is to install pvc air curtains on doors and inlets.
pvc air curtain separates cold and warm air, prevents the escape of cold and hot air entering.
Once installed by a qualified person, the air curtains are easy to use and maintain.
They can also be installed in virtually any environment, from small doors to larger doors, so for most businesses there should be a suitable air curtain solution.

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