Before installing a cold room

Hello dear customers, with respect and greetings.
The cold room panels must have a density of 42 dances, the outer sheet thickness must be 0.50 millimeters, and the panels must have an eccentric locking system to lock each other.
Today, there are cheap panels with low density density, which are sold as cold room panels, but which are not related to the cold room. The properties of the panel are very important to prevent heat loss in cold rooms.
The efficiency of the 8 cm 42 density Panel and the 15 cm low density panel are the same.
We can say that you need to make the cold room made with 8 cm 42 density panel with a normal panel 15 cm thick.
Our customers do not pay attention to this, they pay for it with the electricity bill and at the same time with the constantly working compressor failures.
The product you buy in both cold room panels and cooling systems must be a product with international certification.
 If the product you have purchased does not have any certificate, it is recommended not to buy it.
 With our best regards, Keskinso Cooling

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