Why is cooling important?

Why is cooling important?


Our ancestors used to dig a well in the ground to store their products and make a Mahsen and store their products there.


He would put snow or ice next to the products he stored. buzhane It would be the environment.

The products we keep today are made with a more modern designed polyurethane sandwich panel.cold room We use systems.


We keep all kinds of our products under control. cold storage It ensures that our products remain more vibrant and fresh.


If we wish, we will keep our cold storage under control 24 hours a day.remote monitoring systemWe can also monitor and control the values ​​of your cold storage 24 hours a day from our mobile phone application.


With today's technology, our products in the cold room are healthier and safer.

When we encounter even the smallest problemcold room service  is just a phone call away from us.


In our cold storageThe products we protect come to our table with peace of mind, with their fresh and natural taste, as soon as they come out of the field.


We can store all kinds of productscold roomSuitable for the desired cooling values ​​in technologycold roomcold room during productionsandwich lock panelTheir thickness is preferred accordingly.cold storage dooris being implemented.


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