KESKİNSO Pvs Air Curtains Air curtains prevent air circulation between indoor and outdoor environment.
Our pvs curtains, which are produced from the best material in its class, are also antibacterial against micro organisms.
Prevents polluted air, dust, flies, insects and hot air from entering.
It is extremely stylish and has unlimited colors.
Produced with PVC raw material suitable for food contact. This has been approved and certified by the FDA. Our standard, colored, polar, fragrant PVC strips and PVC plates are certified for compliance with food contact and this is presented to the attention of you with the emblem on the strips.


The ingredients in our products have been tested by the FDA and approved for food contact. All components of Colorite Europe Ltd. is produced by. It contains components used in PVC containing products in food and medical sector. PVC strips stamped with the emblem on the side are certified for food contact. This emblem, PVC strips, plastic plates, cups, etc. materials are produced with raw materials and certainly does not contain carcinogenic additives.

PVC strip material is made of compressed PVC. The edges are rounded. Partially flexible, good insulation, durable structure. It contains ultraviolet blocker which provides resistance to prevent yellowing and cracking from daylight. It does not prevent the passage of sunlight into the environment. It can be used in both indoor and outdoor applications. The flame retardant in its composition prevents combustion. Suitable for an unlimited number of personnel and vehicles.

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