Why cold storage..?

Why cold storage..?

Storing perishable products for today's needs can only be kept under control by changing the temperature.

We also need good insulation to control the heat we need.

Cooling, There are two types of thermal insulation.

Concrete type insulated rooms.

Sandwich panel,type insulated rooms.

In these two types of rooms, we can keep the heat under control with the cooling system.

Nowadays, the most commonThey are panel type cold rooms.

When we say cold storage, what should these rooms be like?


1- Insulation quality must be very good.

2- The cooling system must be of high quality.

3- It should be energy efficient

4- It must be long-lasting.


The insulation quality must be very high to keep the heat we exchange in the room for a long time.

Made with polyurethane panel cold storage, It is healthier, more hygienic and more useful than other rooms.

In rooms made with polyurethane panels, sandwich panel thickness, panel density and panel sheet thickness are important.

Cold storage, When having it done, you must comply with the panel thickness.


Cooling system, They are the most important elements of cold storages.

For this reason, quality and standard-compliant cooling groups must be preferred.


Energy saving is very important in cold storages.

Energy saving quality Sandwich panel,and good qualitychillers, happens with.

Because most heat loss is caused by poor quality panels and insufficient cooling.


A long lastingcold storage cabinet, Quality materials are needed to have it built. Since cold storages made with poor quality materials will not last long, your material must be of high quality.


Yes, with all your nose, why is it one?to cold storage To the question of what we need, we answer that since all produced food items will spoil after a certain period of time, we can only process this spoilage in a quality way. cold storage,We can stop it with .


There are approximately 20 thousand units in the cold storage manufacturing industry that we have been serving for approximately 45 years.cold storageWe produced and put it into service.


 a goodcold storage, To have it done, you should definitely do research and work with companies that are experts in this field. Thank you.


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