Cold Storage For Potatoes

The Cold Storage helps to preserve many fruits and vegetables and to continue their sale throughout the year. One of the most important food products among these is potatoes. Potatoes are products that are completely harvested in August and November in our country.
However, in order for the consumption to continue throughout the year, potatoes must be preserved at a very good level and put on the market over time. In this way, it can meet the needs of the people on a regular basis. However, potato is not a product that can be stored without a Cold Storage.
Because while potatoes are able to produce heat through respiration, they are among the products that lose moisture through evaporation. For this reason, ferment formation begins. As a result of the acceleration of fermentation, sprouting occurs in potatoes. However, thanks to the cooling devices, this situation is prevented and cooling processes are applied according to the types of potatoes.
Especially seed potatoes are cooled in a separate area. Because seed potatoes are cooled between 2-4 degrees, while other types of potatoes are cooled between 4-10 degrees. It is necessary to have cold room systems in order to store food products with the right fermentations.
Potatoes taken into the Cold Room are offered to the public by passing through 4 different stages. The first covers the treatment process for the removal of harvest wounds. This process is followed by the cooling, resting and awakening process, kept in the Cold Storage and then presented to the public.

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