Tips for keeping food right

Which of us put the garbage bag next to the cold room and did not throw it away, the decaying, "Woe was a pity!" she sighed. Is it merciful for the money given, the bags we carry with our arms extended? We always think about whether we should cook and eat what was put in cold storage months ago, or throw out the cheese that had mold on it. Here are some ways to keep your food fresh longer and tips on how long they should be consumed. If you pay attention to the suggestions here, you will find that you waste less on food.
* Always store the milk on the interior shelves of the cold room. Every time you open the cold room door, it comes into contact with hot air and deteriorates more quickly. Regardless of the expiration date, you should consume no more than 3 days after opening the milk can.
* Ice Cream -18 can stay fresh in the frozen room for 2-4 months.
* Yoghurt should be consumed within a maximum of 7 days after purchase.
* After wrapping the butter tightly in stretch film in an airtight way, you can keep it in cold storage for 1 month, -18 in the frozen room for 6 months without spoiling.
* İzmir cheese, mihaliç, old cheddar cheese and hard cheeses such as halloumi can be wrapped tightly in an airtight manner and can stay in the cold room for 3-4 weeks without losing its freshness.
* If the cheese is moldy, after cutting the 1-2 cm thick moldy area and cleaning it thoroughly, there is no objection to the meal.
* Cheeses such as fresh cheddar cheese, tongue cheese remain fresh in the cold room for 3-4 weeks, cream cheeses for 2 weeks after the package is opened.
Fish and other seafood
* You should buy seafood just before finishing shopping. You should also consume within a maximum of 2 days.
* Fresh seafood can be stored for up to two days in a cold room in an airtight, tightly closed container.
* Put the frozen seafood you have bought in the original package in a deep -18 room as soon as you get home. When you use it, you can dissolve it in cold water or in a microwave oven.
* Never eat frozen products beyond the expiration date. Otherwise, these foods will be poisonous.
Vegetables and fruits
* Wash the fruits when you eat them, not beforehand. Because moisture accelerates rotting.
* Do not hold fruit and vegetables together. Because some fruits produce ethylene gas, which causes the vegetables next to it to spoil more quickly.
* You can store vegetables and fruits in perforated containers in a cold room.
* Many fruits and vegetables should be stored in a cold room. However, it is better for some to stay at room temperature. Tomatoes, potatoes, garlic, onions are vegetables that should not be placed in the cold room. These vegetables and fruits should stand in air-tight perforated containers, away from direct sunlight.
* If you are not going to consume the bananas in 2-3 days, keep them in the cold room. If the shells darken, the interior will remain hard for a longer time.
* Put the mushrooms in the paper bag in the cold room. Keeping it in an airtight container will cause it to become moist and withered.
* It is useful to keep the water contained in vegetables such as artichoke, asparagus and celery in a cold room so that the water in it does not decrease and lose its freshness.
* Purchase the latest meats while shopping. Be sure to put it in a separate bag so that the broths do not get to other foods.
* Store the meat in the most suitable part of the cold room between 2 and 4 degrees. Put the raw meat in a plastic bag and put it in a plastic bag so that the water does not flow and contaminate other foods. If you will not consume the meat within 1-2 days after taking the meat, wrap the meat package in aluminum foil (the meat should not come in contact with the aluminum foil) and put it in the -18 freezer and write the date you packed it.
* Follow the storage instructions written on the meat packages. If you don't remember when you put it in the closet, throw the meat in the trash!
* Red raw meat will last for 3-4 days in a cold room. After opening the sausage and salami package, 5 days, smoked meats last for 1 week.
* Red meat can be stored for 6-12 months, sausages and salami 1-2 months in 18 frozen rooms. Freezing smoked meat is not a good idea.
* If you cannot consume all the ground beef you have bought, you can store it in -18 frozen room by roasting it into small containers. Even if you roast with onions, it will save you a lot of time when you cook.
* If you are not going to freeze, you should consume the chicken before the date of use.
* Cooked turkey or chicken meat should be consumed or frozen within 3-4 days. Chicken and turkey meat can be stored in 18 frozen rooms for 9-12 months.
If electricity is interrupted: When the electricity is cut off, you should keep the doors of the closet closed to delay the warming of food in your cold room and the dissolution of those in the -18 frozen room. can keep food cold for 8 hours without opening the cabinet door. -18 dull room can keep the contents dull for up to 72 hours when fully filled and up to 36 hours when half-filled.
Eggs: When buying eggs, pay attention to the expiration date. Store in a cool room bottom shelf in its original packaging. The temperature varies less in the lower shelves than in the upper shelves. Eggs last for 3 weeks in the refrigerator. Cooked eggshell can be stored for 1 week without peeling, egg whites for 4 days, and egg yolk in a tightly closed container for 2 days in the refrigerator.

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