Cold Storage Applications

How should a cold storage design be?
 While designing a cold room, it is necessary to pay attention to some applications.
 What are the cold storage applications and how should our warehouse be?
 We list the information about it in order.
The following practices should be adopted in a cold store:
(1) Temperature control
(2) Relative humidity control
(3) Condensation of water vapor
(4) Sanitation
(5) Air movement
(6) Stacking and material handling
Food Refrigeration and Cold Storage
1. Temperature control
managing temperatures is particularly important
contains the highly controlled enzymatic processes in which they are stored
by ambient temperature, the rate of chemical change in fruits,
It usually doubles for every 10°C increase in room temperature that occurs during storage.
As the fruits begin to mature, excessive color formation, development of storage, bad tastes,
and other diseases occur. Different injuries (chill injuries) if the fruit is extremely cold
Chill injuries that can occur include discoloration, improper maturation, tissue change.
There is an optimum storage temperature for each product that needs to be stored.
2. Relative humidity control Humidity control of air product is important in both short-term and long-term storage. Relating to
to prevent product deterioration due to microorganisms
The relative humidity of the air must be maintained. Dry air may cause weight loss in products.
may affect the appearance, very humid air (relative
air with high humidity) causes the reproduction of microorganisms and various fungal diseases. Relative
the humidity should be high enough to prevent excessive moisture loss from the product. General
should be kept
85-90%, around 90-95% in green vegetables and around 85-90% in other vegetables Values ​​higher than these values
will incarnate decay, and lower than these values ​​will cause weight loss.
3. Water vapor
is one of the main problems in
where the relative humidity is high and the temperature difference between the air and the product is high
. This condensation, which causes microorganism growth in food products, should be minimized. Necessary steps should be taken to evaporate it.
damp right away
4. Sanitation
Certain foods, such as fish and citrus
imparts odor that can be easily absorbed by other products such as meat products and dairy products. Therefore, different foodstuffs
should be stored separately, if stored repeatedly
environment must be thoroughly cleaned and deodorized.
unwanted odors caused by insulation material and wood preservatives.
The entry of rodents into food products should also be prevented.
Food Refrigeration and Cold Storage
5. Air movement
It is very important to provide good air circulation.
Adequate air distribution system is required to maintain a uniform temperature around the product
Ventilation throughout the cold store should be kept to a minimum
To maintain optimum temperatures and relative humidity
6. Stacking and material handling
Stacking is one of the important factors in any kind of storage and transportation. Especially
cartons of food products, trays,
wood, file laurel etc. affected by packaging. fruit in cold storage
The stacking density of vegetables and vegetables in boxes is 200-300 kg/m3 depending on the product.

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